LOLLLL!!!!!!! i know must of you will be stunning with this post right, LET TITHE IT THE WONDERS OF GOOGLE LOLLLL,just joking ,however the greater part of the google clients out there won't not be familiar with this component mostly students,but guess what!!!!! am going to demonstrate to you best practices to understand or compute scientific arrangements utilizing google...
 I need to clarify how you can undoubtedly utilize your program and Google to settle for straightforward and entangled scientific issues without much ado utilizing Google's manufactured as a part of mini-computer capacity.
Image result for google and calculator
1. Basic Arithmetic
To easily compute mathematical expressions that contains symbols, the following table lists operators that come between the two numbers on which they operate, e.g., to multiply 5 times 6, use 5 * 6.
+Addition20.99 + 50.50 + 17.25 ]
Subtraction99 – 28 – 39 ]
*Multiplication2 * 3 * 4 ]
/Division378 / 9 ]
^ or **Exponentiation (raise to a power of)4^10 ]
or [ 4**10 ]
% ofPercent15% of 93.45 ]
mod or %modulo (the remainder after
15 mod 9 ]
or [ 15 % 9 ]
the nth
root of
calculates the nth
4th root of 16 ];
cube root of 109 ];
square root of 42 ] or
sqrt(42) ]

TRY IT NOW AND SEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. Advanced Math

To easily compute mathematical problems involving constants such as: e, pi, i (the square root of –1), and mathematical functions. The following table lists some of the functions built into Google’s calculator.
sin, cos, tan, sec, csc, cot, etc.Trigonometric functions (arguments
are assumed to be in radians)
cos(pi/6) ]; [ cosine(pi/6) ]
arcsin, arccos, arctan, arccsc,
Inverse trigonometric functionsarccos(.5) ]
sinh, cosh, tanh, csch, arsinh,
arccsch, etc.
Hyperbolic functionscosh(6) ]
lnLogarithm base eln(16) ]
logLogarithm base 10log(16) ]
lgLogarithm base 2lg(16) ]
expExponential functionexp(16) ]
!Factorial5! ]
choosex choose y calculates the number of
ways of choosing a set of y elements from a set of x distinct elements
5 choose 3 ]

The following table lists just a few of the commonly used mathematical constants known to the calculator function.
Name and descriptionExample
base of the natural system of
e ]
pi, the ratio of the circumference
to the diameter of a circle
pi/6 ]
imaginary number, i, which
represents one of the two square roots of -1
i^2 ]
Euler’s constant, gammae^gamma ]
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